Rebates for energy-efficiency projects can be just the financial boost schools need to take them on. But discerning which ones will yield the greatest savings—not to mention which projects will have the best return on your investment—can be time-consuming, confusing, and downright frustrating.
Maybe you’ve been staring at your computer screen under fluorescent lights for the past dozen years. Or perhaps you’ve run out of Band-Aids to stick on your vintage chiller. Deferred maintenance can only be deferred for so long.
But the problems you face boil down to the most universal of issues: time and money. There never seems to be a bounty of either. It’s also a chicken-and-egg problem: it takes a pile of cash, often extrabudgetary, and time you don’t have, to make changes to your infrastructure that would ultimately save money and time.
One of the ways some schools have overcome this hurdle is to look for utility incentives to help cover the costs. And there are many utility incentives. Some are advertised; others are negotiated.
That’s all well and good except for one thing: energy-efficiency projects take up valuable time.
And that’s where GreenerU can help. As an official member of Con Edison’s participating contractor network, and also as an approved vendor of NYSERDA’s real-time energy management program, we can navigate the best options for you, help you determine which energy projects best meet your needs, and help you get those projects done right.
For schools across New York State, NYSERDA’s real-time energy management program, or RTEM, offers a 30% cost-share incentive to support building energy analysis and control, using software that draws data from building automation systems and is customized to your building. Schools are eligible for up to $300,000 per electric utility account—which means schools with multiple accounts are eligible for multiple benefits. Don’t own your building(s) or your electric account? You’re eligible for up to $400,000 in funding (per building). Only approved vendors—such as GreenerU—are eligible to perform work under the RTEM program.
If you’re a Con Edison customer, there are two paths to rebates on energy-efficient equipment installation: prescriptive and custom. There are also additional incentives (double the rebate!) for some approved energy conservation measures if they are installed by October 31, 2019.
Don’t despair if you miss that deadline. Other opportunities will arise. But again, some major utility incentives are available for the squeaky wheels who create proposals and negotiate for the best possible rebates for schools.
GreenerU has secured more than $4.6 million in utility rebates for its customers since 2009, including a $382,000 incentive (more than 30% of the project cost) for a campus-wide LED lighting project at a small college campus. That project will lead to $2.5 million in savings for the school over 15 years.
Contact us and ask about opportunities to secure the best incentives today.