As a mission-driven company, our values center around more than just the bottom line. We pride ourselves in our relationships, both with our partners and as a team, and are passionate about the work we do. We care about finding the best solutions to our clients’ challenges—not solutions that are the easiest or most profitable.
At GreenerU, we create a culture of excellence. This is how.
We are honest and transparent in working with our clients. We diligently tend to our clients’ interest, even if that seems counter to our immediate interests.
We take pride in everything we do. We learn from our mistakes, and apply those lessons to future work. We don’t coast.
We know that what was done before is no longer good enough. We continually strive to improve everything we do.
We interact respectfully. We think creatively. We contribute constructively. We seek input from all participants.
We ask for feedback frequently and in ways that encourage honest feedback. We provide honest, constructive feedback to our colleagues and clients. We listen to others and strive to understand their perspective. We are concise and articulate in speech and writing.
In addition to serving our mission of helping educational institutions mitigate climate change, we have made our own commitment to the environment. Details are below.
As a mission-driven company dedicated to helping educational institutions mitigate climate change, we have also made commitments to minimize our own impact on the environment by: