Lizzy, a plush nine-year-old rescue from New Jersey, is a shepherd-eskimo-sheltie mix of dubious origin. The author of “Eat, Play, Love,” her first passion is food and other edibles, including dead snakes, stolen tomatoes, skin salve, and the burrito you failed to monitor. Lizzy is an accomplished surgeon and a master of dissection, particularly in removing and permanently debilitating squeakers. She is also skilled in deconstructing stuffed objects and catching disks or balls with her mouth, but is continuing to work on returning them to human senders. In her spare time, she enjoys woodsy hikes and pocketfuls of chicken jerky. Lizzy currently makes her home in Lincoln, Massachusetts, with her co-conspirator, a shepherd mix named Benjamin, but has occasionally made appearances at the Watertown location of the GreenerU office.