Vibrant. Exhilarating. Complicated. Messy.
We're not talking about your love life. We’re talking about working in an institutional setting, where getting things done is no simple task. If you’re looking at launching a major initiative, an interdepartmental project, or moving forward with your climate action goals, you need to draw from a different toolkit than your job description outlines—you need to be persuasive.
MoreParticipating utilities to offer incentives for Massachusetts ratepayers for heat pumps in the transition to electrification.
MoreAs the coronavirus shutdown has threatened nonprofits’ funding, opportunities to find cost savings are more important than ever. Simultaneously, Boston-based nonprofit institutions are striving to meet the City’s carbon neutrality goals. But installing energy-saving measures can require investments that many nonprofit institutions are unable to make.
MoreWilliam James College, located in Newton, Mass., offers accredited mental health professional training programs, including a program that trains veterans training to treat other veterans. Financing building improvements through GreenerMass has made it possible to begin addressing issues with building comfort, improving the physical environment for students and educators.
MoreOn Tuesday, October 13, 2020, GreenerU's David Adamian and EcoMotion's Ted Flanigan and Mark Hopkinson teamed up to present this new financing mechanism. Learn more in the video below.
MoreThe U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® provides a platform for campus-wide data collection and benchmarking the energy performance of all kinds of commercial buildings. Energy managers on college campuses, however, often face a challenge in both accurately metering energy at the building level and categorizing buildings under the Portfolio Manager framework of use types. Now the new Higher Education Benchmarking Initiative seeks to collect campus-wide data from colleges and universities across North America—and offer energy scorecards in return.
MoreCoronavirus has left unoccupied buildings on campus in places that were designed to be operating 24/7. When spring turns to summer and heat and humidity kick in, do you have a transition plan to prevent maintenance issues on campus? Are you staying ahead of potential health hazards associated with stagnant water?
MoreColleges and independent schools in the Northeast met on April 9, 2020, for a facilitated discussion on managing facilities during a pandemic.
MoreThanks to help from GreenerU, the MSPCA’s Angell Medical Center in Jamaica Plain is set to receive the first alternative energy certificates from Massachusett's APS program for a large air-source heat pump system—one of several ways energy-efficient technologies are sound financial investments. Maybe now is a good time for your school to make the switch.
MoreOver more than 200 years, one Ivy League medical school has launched some of the most important discoveries in history. Now it’s investigating ways to make its campus buildings perform better and use less energy through deep-energy retrofits...much like the squirrels they study.
MoreIn 2014, GreenerU worked with MassDevelopment to develop an energy services agreement program called Mass College Green, in which up-front financing was provided to pay for energy conservation measures. With no upfront capital investment, the college pays only for delivered energy savings over a five-year financing period and sees a net positive cash flow, resulting from energy cost savings. After the five-year payback period, the college will enjoy even greater cost benefits, realizing the entirety of the energy cost savings.
MoreMassachusetts may enact the first state-wide legislation requiring compliance with minimum building performance standards. Find out if your institution's buildings are affected.
MoreIn 2016, in partnership with Consigli Construction Co., Brooks School began planning its brand-new Center for the Arts and right from the beginning involved GreenerU in all mechanical and electrical aspects of the design, including an enabling project that included a steam system relocation and a chilled water plant for the new Arts Center. The result of GreenerU's value management approach is a beautiful new arts space that delights students and facility managers alike.
MoreAICUM and GreenerU launch GreenerMass, a finance program for schools, health centers, and other nonprofits to kickstart energy savings from energy-efficiency measures requiring no upfront capital costs. Past program participants are saving upwards of $100,000 annually on energy costs following payback period. Here's how to find out if your institution is eligible.
MoreWith the right design perspective, planning, and project experience, any existing building can strive toward optimal efficiency. What’s your greatest energy-savings opportunity?
MoreTruly serious efforts to get to zero recognize that the obligation starts with lowering demand. Buildings alone use 42% of the nation’s energy. Without tackling excessive building energy use, campuses are not going to hit carbon neutrality.