Over more than 200 years, one Ivy League medical school has launched some of the most important discoveries in history. Now it’s investigating ways to make its campus buildings perform better and use less energy through deep-energy retrofits...much like the squirrels they study.
MoreMassachusetts may enact the first state-wide legislation requiring compliance with minimum building performance standards. Find out if your institution's buildings are affected.
MoreAmidst a paradise of waterfalls, gorges, and the Finger Lakes, Ithaca College is taking steps to preserve its natural surroundings through a commitment to 100% carbon neutrality by 2050. One of the first steps: cut energy use on campus through lab efficiency upgrades.
MoreDartmouth envisions its campus as a place where operations are reimagined to prioritize human and environmental well-being, piloting the best solutions. GreenerU went behind the scenes to help connect this historic campus with building efficiency.
MoreFord Hall, a science laboratory building, was one of the top energy users on the Smith College campus. GreenerU helped to calibrate laboratory ventilation while balancing air quality, addressing environmental safety concerns while lowering energy use.